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predict用法加to do

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predict+to+do,这是一个固定的用法,表示预期要做什么。其实很好记忆,“to do”表示“要去做现在还没有做的事情”,predict表示“预期、预料”,是对未来的一种推...

用wish sb to do sth,someday, one day, predict,pr

I want to go to Hong Kong someday. I hope you can visit me someday.One day, he found he made a serous mistake. I hope to be a teacher one day.It's predi...

疑问词+to do是什么意思?

when的基本意思是“什么时候”。可用作疑问副词,用来询问某事曾发生或将要发生的时间。例句:she will tell you wh...

动词加doing和动词加 to do区别

加doing一般表示,正在做,或者是想待会做,而加to do 表示想做,但可能做不了!应该没有太大的规律,每个动词所对应的词组是一定的!在特殊情况下,你会理解什么...


 派生affixation:词根:bio-生物, dur=坚持, preci=price, aero=air dict言: edict, indict, verdict, predict, dictate 前缀: dis-, de-, anti-,non-,mono-,mis-...

今天背托福单词一直背不好 求指教!

33. Research into the dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the ability topredict these events and thus to minimize damage and avoid loss of l...


It is useful to be able to predict the extent which a price change will affect supply and demand. A) from B) with C) to D) for 本题考核介词和名词的搭配...


find it +adj.+to do sth.发现做某事很怎样 learn to do 学会做某事 八年级下 Unit 3 barber shop 理发店 get out 出去 take off 起飞 train station 火车站 come ...



predict the future, but I will do my best to

尽全力生活”,不用do one's best,而是make an effort to do(努力做某事);还有“我要的方式”,既然明确了我要的是方式,在wish后面最好加上要的东西是什么;No...

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